50 Questions on World Leaders and Political History

  1. Who was the first President of the United States?
    • Washington
  2. Who was the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom?
    • Thatcher
  3. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    • Khrushchev
  4. Who was the longest-serving Prime Minister of India?
    • Nehru
  5. Who was the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany during World War II?
    • Hitler
  6. Who was the first woman to become the Chancellor of Germany?
    • Merkel
  7. Who was the first President of post-apartheid South Africa?
    • Mandela
  8. Who was the British Prime Minister known for his leadership during World War II?
    • Churchill
  9. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the Chernobyl nuclear disaster?
    • Gorbachev
  10. Who was the 16th President of the United States, known for the Emancipation Proclamation?
    • Lincoln
  11. Who was the Russian leader who oversaw the dissolution of the Soviet Union?
    • Yeltsin
  12. Who was the Prime Minister of Israel known for the Oslo Accords and Nobel Peace Prize?
    • Rabin
  13. Who was the British Prime Minister during the Falklands War?
    • Thatcher
  14. Who was the founding leader of the People’s Republic of China?
    • Mao
  15. Who was the U.S. President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
    • Kennedy
  16. Who was the first female Prime Minister of India?
    • Gandhi
  17. Who was the leader of the Cuban Revolution and Prime Minister of Cuba for many years?
    • Castro
  18. Who was the Russian leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Space Race?
    • Khrushchev
  19. Who was the longest-reigning monarch in British history?
    • Queen Victoria
  20. Who was the U.S. President during the Gulf War in 1990-1991?
    • Bush
  21. Who was the first President of the Russian Federation after the collapse of the Soviet Union?
    • Yeltsin
  22. Who was the leader of the Soviet Union known for his policy of perestroika?
    • Gorbachev
  23. Who was the British Prime Minister during the Suez Crisis in 1956?
    • Eden
  24. Who was the Egyptian President who nationalized the Suez Canal?
    • Nasser
  25. Who was the French leader who played a key role in the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles?
    • Clemenceau
  26. Who was the U.S. President responsible for the New Deal during the Great Depression?
    • Roosevelt
  27. Who was the Prime Minister of Canada known for the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution?
    • Trudeau
  28. Who was the leader of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) and Nobel Peace Prize laureate?
    • Arafat
  29. Who was the British Prime Minister who famously met with U.S. President Roosevelt during World War II?
    • Churchill
  30. Who was the U.S. President who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law?
    • Johnson
  31. Who was the first woman to serve as the President of Argentina?
    • PerĂ³n
  32. Who was the leader of North Vietnam during the Vietnam War?
    • Ho Chi Minh
  33. Who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during the Falklands War?
    • Thatcher
  34. Who was the Russian leader who implemented glasnost and perestroika policies in the 1980s?
    • Gorbachev
  35. Who was the Chinese leader responsible for the economic reforms and opening up of China in the late 20th century?
    • Deng
  36. Who was the U.S. President known for his role in the Camp David Accords and the Iran Hostage Crisis?
    • Carter
  37. Who was the British Prime Minister during the Troubles in Northern Ireland?
    • Wilson
  38. Who was the Indian leader known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance and role in the Indian independence movement?
    • Gandhi
  39. Who was the leader of the apartheid-era South Africa known for his release from prison and election as President?
    • Mandela
  40. Who was the French leader during World War I and one of the architects of the League of Nations?
    • Clemenceau
  41. Who was the U.S. President during the Watergate scandal and the first to resign from office?
    • Nixon
  42. Who was the British Prime Minister known for her strong conservative policies and the “Iron Lady” nickname?
    • Thatcher
  43. Who was the Russian leader known for his policy of glasnost (openness) in the late Soviet era?
    • Gorbachev
  44. Who was the German Chancellor during the reunification of East and West Germany?
    • Kohl
  45. Who was the U.S. President known for his role in the Gulf War and the liberation of Kuwait?
    • Bush
  46. Who was the British Prime Minister during the Suez Crisis in 1956?
    • Eden
  47. Who was the Egyptian President who nationalized the Suez Canal?
    • Nasser
  48. Who was the French leader who played a key role in the negotiations of the Treaty of Versailles?
    • Clemenceau
  49. Who was the U.S. President responsible for the New Deal during the Great Depression?
    • Roosevelt
  50. Who was the Prime Minister of Canada known for the repatriation of the Canadian Constitution?
    • Trudeau

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