50 Questions on The American Revolution

  1. What was the name of the ship in the Boston Tea Party?
    • Dartmouth
  2. Who was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?
    • Washington
  3. What document outlined the colonists’ reasons for seeking independence from Britain?
    • Declaration
  4. Which battle is considered the turning point of the American Revolution, leading to French support for the Americans?
    • Saratoga
  5. What was the final major battle of the American Revolution, fought after the Treaty of Paris had been signed?
    • Yorktown
  6. What was the name of the first major American victory in the Revolution, known for “the shot heard ’round the world”?
    • Lexington
  7. Who wrote the pamphlet “Common Sense,” advocating for American independence from Britain?
    • Paine
  8. What battle marked the first major British defeat in the American Revolution and resulted in the capture of General Burgoyne?
    • Saratoga
  9. What was the name of the French nobleman who served as a major general in the Continental Army?
    • Lafayette
  10. What was the last major battle of the American Revolution, leading to the British surrender?
    • Yorktown
  11. What battle in New York was a significant American loss during the American Revolution?
    • Brooklyn
  12. What British commander-in-chief was responsible for leading British forces in the early stages of the American Revolution?
    • Howe
  13. What was the term for the American colonists who remained loyal to the British crown during the Revolution?
    • Loyalists
  14. Who was the commander of the British forces at the Battle of Bunker Hill?
    • Howe
  15. What American statesman served as an ambassador to France, securing critical French support for the Revolution?
    • Franklin
  16. What was the term for the soldiers in the British army who fought in the American Revolution?
    • Redcoats
  17. What was the name of the group that organized the Boston Tea Party in protest of British tea taxes?
    • Sons of Liberty
  18. What treaty officially ended the American Revolution, recognizing the United States as an independent nation?
    • Treaty of Paris
  19. What battle in New Jersey was a pivotal American victory and a morale booster for the Continental Army?
    • Trenton
  20. Who was the British general known for his surrender at the Battle of Saratoga?
    • Burgoyne
  21. What military leader played a crucial role in American victories in the South, especially at the Battle of Cowpens?
    • Greene
  22. What American general is known for his famous winter encampment at Valley Forge during the Revolution?
    • Washington
  23. What was the name of the legislation that imposed taxes on paper, tea, and other items, leading to colonial protest before the Revolution?
    • Stamp Act
  24. What battle in South Carolina was a significant American victory, particularly due to the leadership of General Daniel Morgan?
    • Cowpens
  25. What event in 1770 saw British soldiers open fire on a mob in Boston, leading to several casualties?
    • Boston Massacre
  26. Who was the leader of the Continental Army during the American Revolution and later became the first U.S. president?
    • Washington
  27. What French officer played a key role in the American victory at the Battle of Yorktown?
    • Rochambeau
  28. What document, drafted by Thomas Jefferson, declared the American colonies’ independence from Britain in 1776?
    • Declaration
  29. What American general is known for his famous naval victory on Lake Champlain during the War of 1812?
    • Macdonough
  30. What was the name of the American spy who provided crucial intelligence to the Continental Army during the Revolution?
    • Hale
  31. What term describes the American strategy of avoiding direct confrontation and wearing down the British during the Revolution?
    • Guerrilla warfare
  32. What was the name of the treaty that formally recognized American independence from Britain in 1783?
    • Treaty of Paris
  33. Who was the Prussian officer who trained the Continental Army and played a vital role at the Battle of Saratoga?
    • von Steuben
  34. What American general is known for leading successful campaigns in the Ohio Valley during the Revolution?
    • Clark
  35. What battle, fought after the signing of the Treaty of Paris, is considered the final battle of the American Revolution?
    • Battle of Blue Licks
  36. Who was the British general responsible for the ill-fated southern campaign during the American Revolution?
    • Cornwallis
  37. What was the term for the colonial militia who were ready to fight at a moment’s notice during the American Revolution?
    • Minutemen
  38. What was the name of the British fort captured by Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys during the Revolution?
    • Ticonderoga
  39. What battle saw American forces cross the icy Delaware River on Christmas night and surprise the Hessian garrison in Trenton?
    • Trenton
  40. What was the nickname for the British mercenaries who fought alongside British troops during the Revolution?
    • Hessians
  41. Who was the British commander who surrendered to George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown?
    • Cornwallis
  42. What American general is known for his key role in the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga?
    • Gates
  43. What battle, fought in 1777, marked a major American victory and was a turning point in the Revolution?
    • Saratoga
  44. What American Revolutionary War battle is known for the famous quote, “I have not yet begun to fight”?
    • Bonhomme Richard vs. Serapis
  45. What was the term for colonial ships that were authorized by the Continental Congress to attack British vessels during the Revolution?
    • Privateers
  46. What was the name of the British general who surrendered to American forces at the Battle of Yorktown?
    • Cornwallis
  47. What was the name of the Massachusetts patriot who played a central role in the Boston Tea Party and Sons of Liberty?
    • Samuel Adams
  48. Who was the French officer who served as a major general in the Continental Army and helped secure French aid for the Americans?
    • Rochambeau
  49. What was the term for the practice of seizing and impressing American sailors into the British Navy during the Revolution?
    • Impressment
  50. What American general is known for leading the southern campaign against the British during the Revolution, earning the nickname “Swamp Fox”?
    • Marion

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